Jugend forscht

This year we are participating in Jugend forscht for the third time with our self-propelled bicycle. A lot has happened over the last year: As we were able to show in numerous test rides, we are now able to reliably control the bike remotely with a cell phone via mobile Internet. We have achieved this with numerous improvements to the mechanics, continuous further development of the software and completely revised electronics. All in all, this represents significant progress compared to our Jugend forscht participation last year.

With all this progress, we were also able to convince the judges and, after winning 1st prize at the regional competition in Bahrenfeld, we qualified for the national Jugend forscht competition by winning another 1st prize at the state level. In addition, we were awarded the special prize “electrostatics, electrical engineering and microelectronics” and won a participation in the “JugendUnternimmt summer school”.

But we still have a long way to go before we can rest. Instead, we are now starting our preparations for the national competition. Until then, for example, we still want to attach cameras to the bike and enable a livestream of the images. We are also in the process of completely overhauling our circuit boards for a second time. And at the same time, we are still in the process of redesigning our remote control software. So there is still a lot of work to do and we are excited to be able to report on the national competition in about two months.